
'Tis the Season for a Big COLD!

A Letter from the Publisher

By Brooke Frizzell December 17, 2014
Hello fellow moms! This week I am writing to you with a box of tissues and some cold medicine by my side. It appears that a little cold has decided to visit our family this week. I have been trying to push this cold away all week long. First, it attacked my little boy and now it is on to my daughter and me. My kids have a long list of fun activities in their classrooms this week to kick off the Winter Vacation. We DO NOT have time for a cold in this house. But low and behold, one has come to visit and we are doing the best we can to fight it.  Our goal is to win the battle before the next member of our family becomes its latest victim.

The timing couldn't have come at a better week for our new North Lake Macaroni Kid sponsor, Dr. Diaz, to submit his educational article for this month. We discussed the article topic weeks ago and is Treatment of the Common Cold. The timing was perfect! My husband tends to be a bit of a worry wart when it comes to the kids getting sick. I was able to show him the article and quote, Dr. Diaz. I quickly informed my husband that thankfully we didn't yet need to make a visit to the pediatrician's office. However, it is handy to have this list of tips and tricks along with a convenient link to his website at my finger tips.

Please feel free to check out his website, book an appointment if you are on the search for a pediatrician, and let him know that North Lake Macaroni Kid sent you.

Until next week,