
Pampered Chef Fundraiser for Joscelyn Dempsey

Benefiting well loved Mount Dora Family; The Dempseys

By Michelle Metheny February 26, 2013
We've run a few articles on Lake County's beloved Joscelyn Dempsey. Our little warrior princess will be undergoing another brain surgery to remove a tiny piece of bad brain in just a few days.

The goal of this surgery to stop her seizures once and for all! The last Pampered Chef fundraiser, raised over $500 for the Dempsey family.  We were able to help them with medical costs, travel costs and therapy costs.  Let’s do this again! 

There is a new catalog with 46 new products.  When you purchase products from this fundraiser for your own kitchen, your family members’ kitchens, a newlywed’s kitchen, your child(ren)’s teacher, etc… you will be able to support this sweet little girl who has to have another brain surgery.  Please support Joss! 

This fundraiser will be a Facebook event. Please invite everyone you know to the event.  I will post recipes, tips and information about the products.  100% of the profit from sales will be donated to Joss.  You can also give by hosting a party of your own.  Each party scheduled from this fundraiser is an additional $5 donation.

See the online event RIGHT HERE and help this sweet baby to full recovery! 

~Michelle Metheny