
Why You Should Consider Pediatric Massage

By Bella Toscana Spa February 14, 2019


Touch is one of the very first senses that humans develop and is widely known to be essential to our physical and emotional health. This is especially true in children, including infants. Although massage therapy has been previously considered a treatment for adults only, it is now gaining steam as an alternative or complementary pediatric treatment for a variety of medical issues. Massage therapy has shown to boost the immune system and stimulate brain function in infants. For toddlers, massage therapy can relieve stress, improve sleep, and has shown to provide a sense of relaxation. For school aged children and teens, massage therapy helps keep them conditioned during extra curricular activities. Can help relieve their daily stress levels and help with anxiety.


  • boosts immune system
  • stimulates brain function
  • provides sensory and motor stimulation
  • creates sense of safety and trust
  • relieves gas, colic, indigestion
  • promotes better sleep

Toddlers through age 18

  • provides a sense of relaxation
  • encourages confidence
  • promotes body awareness
  • instills importance of healthy lifestyle
  • relieves stress
  • helps prevent and treat injury (sports)

For children who have been diagnosed with a debilitating medical disease or condition, massage therapy can significantly help alleviate symptoms associated with the illness. According to the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine, symptoms like anxiety, pain, and fear can all be positively treated with massage therapy., Below we will elaborate on a few medial diagnosis and why treatment has been proven to help infants and children with these indications.


For children with autism, research has been published indicating that massage may provide relaxation, stress reduction and calm muscle spasms. Research has also demonstrated that this type of intervention may promote more on-task and social relatedness behavior during play, children with autism spectrum disorders show less erratic behavior, and are more attentive after receiving massage therapy. This safe, nurturing touch, along with regular sensory integration, is beneficial in reducing inattentiveness, touch aversion and withdrawal. Over time, touch therapy also helps the child to become more accustomed to tactile stimulation and aides in body awareness. Often by incorporating massage therapy into daily routines, children with autism experience fewer sleeping problems. 

Cerebral palsy-

Without question, massage therapy can have a valuable role in improving the quality of life of a child with cerebral palsy. Research performed by the Touch Research Institute has indicated children affected by cerebral palsy receiving massage therapy showed fewer physical symptoms including reduced spasticity, less rigid muscle tone overall and in the arms, and improved fine and gross motor functioning. In addition, the massage group experienced improved cognition, social, and dressing scores on the Developmental Profile and showed more positive facial expressions and less limb activity during face-to-face play interactions. Massage may also be helpful in decreasing tone in spastic muscles, relieving tension and spasms, and improving digestion. 

Pediatric Cancer-

Pediatric cancer patients experience reduced pain after massage therapy. Massage is one of the most commonly used pain management strategies for pediatric patients newly diagnosed with leukemia. For oncology patients, studies also indicate that many complementary therapies control treatment related physical and emotional symptoms including pain, fatigue, nausea, xerostomia (dry mouth), anxiety, and depression. 

At Bella Toscana Med Spa, we look forward to helping treat all of your pediatric needs. 

Call us today !! 352-742-7727