
Get Glowing This Winter!

Let's talk about skin resurfacing

By Cherish Glaze, Aesthetician at Bella Toscana Spa in Tavares, Florida January 8, 2019

For Floridians, winter may not mean bundling up in trench coats and fuzzy lined boots, but the cooler temperatures do call for more indoor time and can sway us from those weekly beach trips. This is the PERFECT time to start those more corrective treatments like resurfacing peels to get your skin looking its best!

Now, when I mention the word “peel” to clients, some immediately get that image in their head of a snake shedding its skin. Or others might think of a viral video of a girl screaming getting her face melted off on youtube.(trust me they are out there) But what if I told you it could be painless and have virtually no downtime to see dramatic results in fine lines, brown spots, tone and texture, or acne? You can achieve just that with a sensitive blend peel.

Let's start by taking about the process. Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed and prepped with a mild fruit acid toner, then a physician grade peel solution is applied to the skin in thin layers depending on what your skin sensitivity/goals are. To end the treatment your certified esthetician will apply topical products that are specifically formulated for your skin concerns. Because the skin is freshly exfoliated, the topical products have a deeper penetration level and are able to address the concerns you have more effectively and rapidly. Not on a consistent skin care regimen yet? No problem! (We’ll get there) Each sensitive blend peel includes an aftercare kit included with the treatment that will ensure you get the best results possible!

This treatment will blow you away with results after just one 30 min session! And one of the greatest advantages is that it is perfect for ALL skin types/tones including ethic skin types and clients with rosacea. It will address a number of different concerns in one appointment such as:

-fine lines, wrinkles

-acne (cystic and topical)



-skin laxity

-uneven pigmentation

-dull or tired looking skin

Want to know more in depth or just have some more general questions? Book your complimentary skin consultation today! Take some time to get educated and learn more about how this simple treatment can radically change your skin! You will never regret investing in YOU!

Cherish has over 7 years of experience in the beauty industry. She began her career as a professional model, and after being immersed in the industry, she decided to combine her passion for beauty and skincare by becoming a licensed Aesthetician.  She went on to practice under an OBGYN in Orlando, FL for some time before joining the Bella team. She has additional certification and education in: Hydrafacial MD, Coolifting, hair removal, brow shaping artistry, chemical peels, and advanced anti-aging treatments and exfoliation techniques including micro-needling dermabrasion, and dermaplaning. She  is knowledgeable in treating all skin types and conditions and uses some of the most advanced skin care systems on the market today. Her passion for knowledge in the ever-changing skincare/beauty industry ensures that she stays informed with the latest advancements and ingredients in skincare/treatments,  which she loves to share with her clients.