
A New Year And So Much To Over-Analyze

By Amy McCrory, Assistant Publisher of North Lake Macaroni Kid January 3, 2019

New Year… so much to over-analyze on Jan 1st. How was 2018? What could have been different? Did I make the right decisions? How was my kids’ year?  

My first thought on 2018. I survived! 2018 was a new baby and a promotion at work.  My second thought…. It was such an amazing, blessed year.

2019.. sure, the normal diet, exercise, smart spending, etc. but what will truly bring me joy in 2019?

1)      Disconnect. For the first time ever.. I left my phone in the other room while we enjoyed family time before bed. It was amazing! I played with my kids and snuggled my baby that turns 1 tomorrow. My phone is so addicting, but it needs to come 2nd to quality time.

2)      Mommy Time. Whatever that may be, but do it monthly. Massage, Pedi, Long bath with no kids, run to Target alone, girls’ night, anything that gets me back centered (or try at least)

3)      Purge. Does anyone else have clutter? My goal is to collect a trash bag or two or three a month and donate it! The clutter is stressing me out. Once again, why do we have so much stuff we don’t need or use?

4)      Be blessed with the stress. Stop focusing on stress of life and embrace it! Live it and be thankful.

I hope everyone has a blessed 2019!

Amy McCrory is the Assistant Publisher for North Lake Macaroni Kid.