
Back to School for the Mini Macaronis

A Letter from the Publisher

By Brooke Frizzell August 20, 2014
My crew of kids headed back to school this week. I can honestly say that a few weeks ago I was sad that summer was quickly coming to an end. However, by the end of last week, I knew that it was time for my kids to get back into their routine. They were ready to see their friends and head back to school.

This week has been a big adjustment. We have adjusted to going to bed early again, getting up early, starting homework in the afternoons, and just getting used to being in a different grade. I, as a mom, am adjusting to having all of my babies in school this year. My youngest is attending preschool three days per week, so she is only home with my two days this year. The house is very quiet during the week.

I think this is the first week I have written the publisher article without a child climbing on me as I type. I am not sure if that will allow me to be a more skilled writer or cause more mistakes. I'm used to the chaos that multiple children bring to life.

I hope that if you had children venture off to school this week, that all has gone well and that you are enjoying hearing about the events of their days.

Until next week,